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Video commercial

Dear friends!

We are glad to present you our first ever video commercial. We spent a whole day to make a lot of stuff and now, armed with tape and scissors, we are free to make crazy videos. Yes, you heard it right. We have enough material to make some more clips, so stay tuned.

Best regards,

PSCube team

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July of Changes

Hello there folks.  Here is our next blog post after a long pause. We did so much work and there are so much to tell you. First things first, we revised our website. Now it features a nice and clean slide show, featuring all the benefits and ways to use our favorite cubes. Second, we were busy filming our first ever commercial. Though everyone in the team had no experience in a filming or acting, we all had a great time in the studio and can't wait to show you the results. But for now, please, check our pages on social media: PSCube on Facebook PSCube on Twitter PSCube on Instagram Best regards, PSCube Team Team
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Art wall

Hello, everyone. It’s me again. You know, I always loved art in every form. Whether it a small drawing on paper, or another exhibition, we were visiting with the class, I always find something beautiful and charming in there. And, as you can see, it shaped my whole life. Now I work as a designer, here at Image how inspired I was when I received a letter from HQ that we are going to work with public domain art? Oh, my hands shook for a while. Even more, the project meant to be educational, to show that our cubes can be used in schools, museums, and other places. That’s why every cube features information about a particular era in traditional art and a bright example. On another side, combined, cubes form one picture that illustrates how art evolved from 16th to the 20th century. The result you can see on the pictures below. Hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it. Stay tuned for future articles! render render2 render1 render3 render4  
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April sum up

April was a hard month for PSCube team. We received many of orders from different companies from Houston and had to work overtime to complete them all in time. Among our customers, Bob, from GeoScience, who ordered two additional covers for his benches, featuring "Memorial day" graphics, to replace previous easter theme. While there is still a plenty of time till 29th of May, we wanted Bob to receive his covers as soon as possible. Now his office welcomes customers with beautiful benches. blog The other project we worked on during April, was an educational one. A set of cubes with the unique pattern was designed to create an infinite amount of images, using only triangles and quads. Check this out and imagine, what would you do with the set of this cubes? Blog2
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Easter is nigh!

Yes, time is running fast and Easter is near. This means, you have a great opportunity to decorate your office and bring new colors to everyday life. This way went people from GEOScience, who ordered pack of two bright covers for their benches. Cant wait to see them in interior.Easter